Went to see Brian Ulrich talk at Aperture last night. I was very glad that I went. It is so good to hear photographers talk about their work and to feed off of their passion. This is one thing I miss very much about school and being in that community. But, now I have the blogging community and the new york scene at my fingertips and slowly but surely I'm working my way into it. Even if I dont, I'm meeting so many interesting and amazing people. Brian's talk touched upon so many important issues on so many levels...the state of the world, the importance of understanding and also being able to laugh at what we can sometimes only contribute to, and the excitement of learning about these things (and yourself) through photography.
Then, this morning I met and talked to Richard Misrach about moving here from Arizona and trying to figure out how to survive in this place and at the same time create work. He was also very insightful and down to earth and matter of fact. It was a rockstar photographer filled 24 hours. That is one thing I love about my job.
As for me...I'm working on my inspiration. I'm not very inspired to photograph here. So, while I work that out I am going to look back at unfinished projects that I've been neglecting. I want to put together a book and I keep hearing about Democratic Books, which seems like a good way to go about doing that. So, scanning, photoshopping, and editing is in the works...i'm excited about it.
Looking forward to new work too though...we'll see what comes up...my mind is in so many different places lately.